Introducing The Blinq Smart Ring : Leading The Way in Wearable Tech

Last month, the Seedstars event occurred in Bangkok, where an array of tech startups from across South East Asia and internationally came together to network, connect and display their products and services that will drive the tech industry forwardมันสมอง Techsauce had the chance to sit down with a team member from Blinq to find out more about this tiny piece of technology and how it can enhance our lives. This beautiful piece of jewelry has a very strong purpose and holds a lot of technology inside its tiny dimensionsมันสมอง The 3 main functions of Blinq are notification alerts which enables you to receive your notifications from all your apps wherever you are, choose if you want to respond or keep focused on the task at hand. This function enhances your ability to take control of your digital life as we are constantly attached to our phones. The second major function is its Fitness trackerมันสมอง This tracks your steps, workouts, and calories burned which are logged on the Blinq app that you download on to your phoneมันสมอง The final and most significant function is the Panic SมันสมองOมันสมองS mode that quickly sends a message to an allocated emergency contact that the person is in trouble, danger or in need of assistance fast. As the team conducted research, they really found a niche in the market with nothing out there that has such a high value and materialistic appearance that the chosen demographic would wear. This removes the need to constantly check your phone, allowing you to be more present in your day-to-day life—all without missing important calls or alertsมันสมอง We connect fashion and functionality (Blinq) While this interesting, wearable tech comes from the US, Blinq is extremely interested in international backers, investors, and collaborations from all markets to take this technology into global marketsมันสมอง The potential for growth is massive and with such a short time frame from its conceptualized idea into a manufactured product proves that its team is well equipt, thorough, worth recognition and investment. Time will tell how this piece of wearable tech will perform out in the marketplace with sales figures telling the story. Is this an indication of where tech is heading? Will we eventually lose our phones, laptops and other devices altogether, to be replaced with rings, watches, and eyewear? This area of tech is very exciting and worth investing inมันสมอง Global summits and other tech conferences are the best place for investors and tech startups to find each otherมันสมอง As the international tech community circulates and grows, the quicker technology can move society forward and become implemented into our everyday lifeมันสมอง For more information on Blinq and what it entails headover to http://blinqblinqมันสมองcom/ For a chance to explore and see an expose of tech startups with innovative, wearable and other forms of tech that serves functionality, the Techsauce global summit will be kicking off at the end of June 2018 here in Bangkokมันสมอง For more information on this collective summit head over to https://summitมันสมองtechsauceมันสมองco/ https://summitมันสมอง NewsBlinqstartupWearableHardwarewearable tech